Patient data: Female 41 year old accountant who is married with three school age children. In 1991, she was diagnosed with Epstein Bar Virus, commonly referred to as Chronic Fatigue. Along with the Chronic Fatigue, she deals with fibromyalgia symptoms and digestive problems. This January, just as tax season was gearing up, she started taking the herbal remedies offered in my clinic.
This January, just as tax season was gearing up, she started treatment with me. During tax season, there are 10 to 12 hour days, lots of stress, working weekends and deadlines to finish all her work commitments before April 15th. There could not have been a better time to test this new treatment.
She started taking the herb and reported that she felt the first result on the seventh day. She woke up with no joint pain in her elbows and less in other parts of her body. Before she would try to sleep with her arms in a straight position thinking that if she did not bend them they would not hurt.
She also reported the other amazing effect that the constant fog in her brain was lifted. She is able to think clearer, her disposition is better and her relationship with co-workers and family members are better because she is not hurting and tired all the time. She said her co-workers have noticed a major difference in her. Her husband says that it was the best tax season ever.
When she wakes up she wants to get out of bed. Before she would have to drag herself out of bed and get the kids to school and herself to work. On bad days, she would get completely dressed for work and be too exhausted to then go to work. She would go to sleep in her business suit. She does not have those days anymore.
The best result was that after four months of working really hard during tax season, she was able to still function on April 16th. Normally, it would be a huge de-stressing at the end. It would take 2 to 3 weeks of rest to be really functioning at full potential again. On April 16th, she went to a business meeting with a client and her broker and felt alert and fresh to deal with the issues. The treatment has made a major difference in her life in just a short time.